Prototypes from
sketching to Arduino
October 2020
Zealand Academy
Bachelor Student
Get a coffee without using your hands!
The global COVID-19 pandemic has made us rethink how we interact with objects. At Campus Køge, the coffee maker on the 2nd floor has many unsafe touchpoints during a pandemic. Therefore, my study group and I have devised a solution through different prototyping and research steps, which includes the user getting coffee without touching the machine.
Research phase
In the research phase, the topic ‘voice is the new touch’ has been analysed from different angles. The topic has been explored to create a broader understanding and insight into the possibilities within the topic's framework. This was done through desk research, a simple and quick research method. Subsequently, an open brainstorming session was conducted, opening up the topic and delimiting the project in terms of where it should be placed product-wise.
Mapping the problem
This assignment is based on the coffee machine on the second floor of the Zealand educational centre in Køge. To identify the exact problem that arises when using an automatic coffee machine. To receive a cup of coffee at the coffee machine on the 2nd floor, you have to stand in front of the coffee machine and then press the display, which is the centre of the coffee machine. Here you choose which category you want a hot drink from and you have to tap the screen at least three times - in three different places. In the process, you may have to tap the screen up to six times, depending on how you want your coffee. Before you can receive your coffee, you have to take a cup yourself, which is typically located in a shared kitchen.
1. Google Action Console
It is possible to test how the coffee machine should work and take orders using Google Action Console. The coffee machine asks if you want a coffee, and you can answer yes or no. If the answer is yes, you're taken to the types of coffee you can choose from, and the coffee machine reads them out loud. After selecting a coffee, you will be taken to the milk selection (e.g. small). Once the choice is made, the coffee machine tells the user it is being brewed and wishes them a good day.
2. Sketching
Sketching became one of our favourite prototyping tools. It's an easy method that can create an understanding of the product being developed. The method helped create the evolution of the product being worked on. The method highlighted obvious issues that we were not aware of until it was visualised.
2.2 First sketch
The basic idea is based on the fact that the coffee machine can only make one cup of filter coffee in one size. The coffee machine is operated by sound, it reacts to any sound it detects. After detecting the sound, it will start dispensing a cup of coffee. The problem with prototype 1 was that it would not be able to determine if a cup was placed under the dispenser before making a sound.
2.4 Third sketch
In the third prototype, a built-in sensor has been added that can detect when an object or person is placed in front of it. Problems with prototype 3 were that you can't get different flavours of coffee, and you have to bring your own cup
2.3 Second sketch
In the second prototype, it was added that it should be able to respond to voice and initiate/start the conversation. Issues with prototype 2 were how does the user know that it is being operated by sound/voice. It doesn't know when to start the conversation as it doesn't have any kind of indicator that someone is standing by.
2.5 Fourth sketch
The fourth prototype adds the ability to ‘swing’ a cup out to avoid bringing a cup with you or taking a cup from a cupboard. The problem with prototype 4 is that if you can't decide on the type of coffee you want, it has to list all the variants again.
3. Arduino
A cup dispenser has been developed that automatically dispenses a cup to the user instead of taking one themselves. This cup dispenser is made out of 3D printing and lego, as the first 3D print did not work optimally. An Arduino with an attached motor and rotation function has made it possible to make it rotate, as a lack of competences and skills meant that it did not work with a sound sensor.
4. Cardboard box
A cardboard prototype has been used to visualise our ideas both in the initial and final stages. By creating the prototype and having the opportunity to sit with it in hand, it opened up a lot of new ideas and opportunities for further development. This prototype will give an insight into what the future coffee machine will look like. The idea is that it will be much larger than average coffee machines, as it will contain both mugs, a larger computer chip and ingredients for more choices of different types of coffee.
5. Mock up
The mock-up was created using the mood board method. Here, we found out what expression the coffee machine should have and the different aspects it should possess. We merged this with our sketches, which became our mock-up. (Scroll up to the top of this page to see the mock-up).
6. Storyboard
A storyboard is one of the easiest ways for others to understand your idea. This prototype is made to visualise the complete user experience of the prototype, from when the user has a thought and a desire for coffee to when the user leaves the machine with a cup of coffee. The storyboard shows the most optimal user journey and interaction with the the product.
Result and conclusion
With COVID-19 in the world, touch has become a thing we must distance ourselves from, especially general touchpoints such as a coffee machine in a public workplace, educational institution, etc. The project has aimed to produce an automatic voice-controlled coffee machine where all touchpoints are removed to make it as safe as possible. Several prototypes have been developed in the project, all focusing on voice replacing touch. These prototypes have provided insight into what parts, functions and appearance the new coffee machine should have and what is needed to make it as safe to use as possible. The prototypes are compatible with the technology we have today and adaptable to potential customers' needs.
As a last note, I want to inform you that it was mainly my group members who executed the prototypes, while I personally came up with the idea of the low-touch coffee machine.